Jumat, 17 April 2009

Love Letter for My Wonderful Lord

Dear Lord,

Recently, I just found out something amazing about You. How great is the Lord for the soul like me. I thank you for Your presence in every step of my life. As I grow older day by day, I realize how true Ecclesiastes is!!! 

I totally agree when he said about how vain the life is! What profit hath a man of all his labor which he takes under the sun? One generation passed away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abides for ever. The sun also arises, and the sun goes down, and haste to his place where he arose. 

The wind goes toward the south, and turned about unto the north; it whirled about continually, and the wind returned again according to his circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.  

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us.  

There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. In another word, all is vanity!

Praise Your name for that! 

I close my eyes and thinking of You. I am blessed and honored that You stay still to take care of my heart! You are truly the Joy of my life. I am for what I am right now is truly because of You, oh Lord.

How can I resist the kindness and the complete love that You offer to me?! I am sorry in uncountable ways for hurting You. I don't mean all that.

I come to You not because I have problems and need an exit of it. Instead, I come to You oh Lord to be just where You are; to be uniting with You; and to enjoy Your presence right now. 

I need You truly, madly and deeply in every second of my life. I need You more than the air I breath. I thirst You as You are the living water.

I put my hopes on You oh Lord..and I know that I will renew my strength to handle the hard situation. I will soar on wings like eagles over the problems of my life. I will run and not grow weary!! I will walk and not be faint AT ALL!!

Coz I know my Jesus is bigger than anything or anyone..and I know that I am safe in Your arms.

Thanking you so much oh Lord. I love You more than anyone or anything.

You come first!!!


Your daughter

Mega Melala

Surat untuk mama


Kukirimkan kepadamu surat berisi jeritan dari hatiku yang terdalam..

Mungkin akan kau baca, mungkin tidak.Tak mengapa..karena sejujurnya aku tak berharap banyak..

Tanpa kau tahu, aku berhasil mengetahui rahasia terbesarmu.

Ya, aku tahu semuanya..SEMUANYA, ma..

Tentang engkau, dia, aku, mereka, kita, dan kami..

Mengapa selama ini kau selalu diam tak bicara?!

Butuh waktu lama untuk mengerti semua yang pernah terjadi..

Butuh waktu tak singkat untuk dapat menjelaskan kerumitan hidup ini..

Puji Tuhan jika DIA berhasil membimbingku untuk dapat menerimanya.

Ya, mama..aku menerimamu sampai selama-lamanya!

Ku hiraukan semua itu..

Engkau tetaplah  seorang ibu yang berjuang luar biasa untuk keberhasilan kami

Seorang ibu yang selalu ingin membahagiakan kami

Seorang ibu yang terbaik.

Bagiku, engkau tak tergantikan sampai kapan pun..

Seperempat abad telah kujalani hidup ini bersama denganmu

Terima kasih banyak atas semua bekal untuk hidupku di masa depan

Sehingga aku berhasil dalam jalan yang benar

Telah ku serahkan hidupku bagiNya

Telah ku sangkal diriku dan ku pikul salibku bagi namaNya di tempat yang tinggi

Aku tidak lagi mengandalkan engkau ma..

Tahukah engkau ma, bahwa hidupku sekarang lebih baik lagi karena kasihNya yang nyata dalamku?

Aku telah menaruhkan iman, pengharapan dan kasih ku yang terutama bagi DIA.

Aku rela meninggalkan hidup ini untuk DIA seorang.

Bagiku, mati untuk Kristus adalah keuntungan.

Semakin hari aku semakin jatuh cinta dan bersyukur atas anugerahNya yang besar tercurah bagiku.

Namun bagiku, engkau tetaplah ibu yang terbaik.

Mungkin engkau tak akan pernah tahu betapa bersyukurnya aku memilikimu

Dan mungkin engkau juga tak akan pernah tahu betapa sedihnya aku mengetahui kesedihanmu

Inilah jalan hidupku, ma..yang telah kupilih untuk diriku sendiri bagi hidupku di masa depan.

Maafkan aku yang tidak bisa memilihmu dibandingkan kehendak Bapaku yang di Surga

Bukan ku tak mengindahkan seruanmu, dan bukan ku tak mendengarkan nasihatmu..

Hanya saja, aku ingin memilih apa yang kuanggap benar dan kebenaranku terletak dalam kehendakNya

Ini bukan tentang dia atau mereka yang selalu kau hina dan kau caci..

Ini juga bukan tentang engkau yang selalu kau anggap bahwa aku selau mengindahkanmu..

Ini bahkan bukan aku yang tak mengerti engkau

Ini tentang melakukan kehendak Bapaku di Surga.

Bapaku itu telah memilihara dan menyertaiku lewat badai cobaan yang pada akhirnya mendatangkan kebaikan bagiku dan semua.

Janganlah bersedih mama.. tersenyumlah bagiku..restuilah pilihan anakmu ini.

Janganlah kuatirkan aku, karena aku telah bahagia dengan pilihanku.

Janganlah kau ingkari semuanya, karena itu berarti engkau mengikari aku, anakmu.

Meski berat ku lakukan ma..tapi inilah keputusanku.

Meski berat ku terima ma, tapi itulah keputusanmu.

Seperti yang telah ku takan sebelumnya, aku menerimamu apa adanya, termasuk keputusanmu.

Aku doakan engkau selalu diberkati oleh Tuhan Yesus dan apa pun yang kau lakukan selalu berhasil dan menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang serta memuliakan namaNya.

Umur panjang dalam hidupmu akan melimpah dan engkau akan berbagia di masa tuamu.

Engkau tak akan pernah kekurangan karena kelimpahan selalu dicurahkan oleh Bapaku di Surga hanya bagimu.

Cinta, Rindu dan doaku selalu mengikuti mu, mama...

Aku sangat sangat mengasihimu...



Mega Melala

Senin, 13 April 2009

Kau dan Aku

Aku lihat engkau duduk disitu menyendiri

Bisa ku lihat apa yang menjadi pikiranmu meski kasat mata

Bisa ku lihat betapa sakitnya hatimu mengetahui hal itu

Bisa ku lihat betapa beratnya hatimu menerima kenyataan yang tak sesuai dengan keinginanmu

Bisa ku lihat betapa galaunya hatimu menerima mereka menjadi bagian darimu

Bisa ku lihat betapa marahnya hatimu akan pilihanku

Bisa ku lihat betapa pahitnya hatimu ternyata yang paling kau kasihi, dia lah yang kau pikir meninggalkanmu

Pada kenyataanya...

Aku tidak pernah meninggalkanmu..aku selalu disini

Aku selalu ingin menjangkau engkau tapi selalu kau tepis dengan galaumu

Aku selalu ingin melibatkan engkau dalam setiap hidupku tapi selalu kau halang dengan keinginanmu

Aku ingin meraihmu sekuat tenaga, tapi selalu kau pasang tembok bagi tanganku

Pernahkah sedetik saja kau melihatku,

Tak bisa kah engkau lihat binar di mataku ketika dia memandang ku dengan penuh kasih?

Tak bisa kah engkau lihat senyum cemerlangku ketika dia mengatakan betapa dirinya sangat mengasihi diriku?

Tak bisa kah engkau lihat merdunya suaraku seelah dia dengan penuh kasih mengajariku bernyanyi?

Tak bisa kah engkau lihat hidupku yang jauh lebih berwarna ketika dia hadir?

Tak bisa kah engkau memilih kebahagiaanku dibandingkan ketakutakanmu?

Aku begitu mengasihimu tapi kau selalu membuatku sulit melakukannya

Selasa, 07 April 2009

On our 9th Anniversary

On April 6th (was yesterday), we went to Safari Park! It's such a perfect place and ways to celebrate our 9th anniversary! It's so calm, so cool and so relaxing. We had a good time together. Praise the Lord...Let the photos tell our story..

on our way to Safari Park

didn't forget to stopped by at the Puncak Pass to enjoy the beautiful view!!

we managed to take a picture with several animals..first, with the Zebra! it's so beautiful

With the Tapirus Bairdii..

With the Rhino..sleeping Rhino actually :D

With the elephant named Honey. She's sooo cute :)

with an exotic bird

In the end, we also hugged the Leopard..yippie.. I love this big cat

He was a little bit nervous, but the photo still looks great

on the end of the safari

Thank you Lord for the great moments we can share together!

Kamis, 02 April 2009

What I've been longing for!!!

I show you below what is the thing I've been longing for!!! I've been dreaming to buy this thing in the last couple of months. Now, it's safe with me and him... :P


ISO 400 and ISO 1000: All cameras struggle when ISO is pushed up, but the FE-20 struggles more than most. The maximum ISO setting is 1000, but picture quality is struggling long before getting there.

Overall: As a group my test shots are in line with expectations. The FE-20 most handles snapshot situations and as long as you are not looking to make large prints picture quality is good for such a cheap camera.

Shutter Lag and Recycling Times: This is an area where the camera struggled. 5.37 seconds to turn on the camera and take a picture is well below par. Likewise the 1.09 seconds to take a single picture is slow. Five photos also took a long time at 23.39 seconds. With flash turned on similar times were recorded: 1.99 seconds for a single photo and 25.09 seconds for five photos. Slow response times are something I have noticed with other Olympus digital cameras.

Style: Small, neat and tidy. A basic rectangular shape with a couple of rounded corners and a rounded edge. The camera looks similar to many point and shoot cameras. The FE-20 is available in black and silver.

Dimensions: 95.9 x 57.2 x 21.5mm
Weight: 103g
Batteries: Lithium ion. Both a battery and charger are supplied.
Memory Cards: Olympus have built 20.5mb of memory into the camera. I was able to take 9 photos before the built in memory was full. The camera is compatible with xD and Micro SD cards.
Ease of Use Rating: Very good. You should have no problems using this camera.

It's very slim for camera pockets. It has come down in price giving you the chance to pick up a relatively inexpensive pocket camera. Despite the small optics picture quality is surprisingly good in most snapshot situations, especially when the subject is not too far away from the camera.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Love Life Lately

Love life lately has been great. We attended two wedding celebrations of two girl friends of mine. It's the first time he gets to know my friends. The question of "so, when it's your turn?" appreantly always emerged. hahaha. 

Seeing my girl friends getting married makes me a little bit more eager to get married soon. But I don't want to rush everything, for I know my God have arranged my turn perfectly in His time :) AMIN.