Kamis, 02 Juli 2009

Business Trip to France

You will find below some pictures, explaining my business trip to Paris. You might think that all pictures show some fun..but hey! We always can mix business with pleasure, can't we?! Hehehe.. Okay, let the photo tell you the story..

I went to Paris (for the fourth time, Praise the Lord) on June 16th and stay there for 5 days. I back in Indonesia, on June 22nd 2009. Leaving my lovely man for 5 days has been torturing me like hell! Though I was lonely without him, but I thank God that HE's been there always for me. HE has comforted me all the time.. Praise the Lord.

For the aircraft, I used Airbus 380 or well known as A-380.
As you may see below, it's such a very BIG aircraft!
It can take more than 800 passangers!!

I was on the upper deck, economy class. Even though, it was fun to fly!
I was sleeping gor 10 hours flight!
I woke up only for the meals, watching movie and sleep again..LOL

Here is a view of CDG from the window in my seat
some view I took during the flight..

This is a picture of me on the first day arrive in Paris
I wonder why do everybody say that I look like Manohara..hahaha

This is her (Manohara Pinot)...

and this is me.... why do people compare us???!

Of course I look better than her..hahahha

In Paris, Igotta chance to visit some touristique place, such as;

cathedral Notredame

La Seine River

Hotel de Ville

Centre George PAMPIDOU

I also met Bu Nita in Paris as we went to La Bourse de Commerce ..

and to see the famous VERSAILLES with Violaine
and finally!!! The day I have been waiting for
is the day when Dave and I reunite!!

I give thanks to the LORD because HE has always been great to me...
This happens because of HIM, I don't have any part of any of it.