Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Dave B'day - Picture

Dave's B'day

We give thanks to the Lord for His forever blessings upon us. Yesterday was a very special day for us, it was Dave’s birthday.

I want it to be the most unforgettable moment in his life. I want to make it very special and give the best I could do to him. 

For the whole week, I acted as if it’s less important than my job. I told him that I could not accompany him whole day long because I would have meetings, from 7 AM until 7 PM, which is actually impossible. I asked for his understanding. Surprisingly, he said that he understood and didn’t complain at all! So, the trick doesn’t work out at all. LOL.

On Feb 2nd 2009, I called  at 00.01 AM to wish him a joyful birthday. Well..he tried to communicate well with me; but I knew he was half conscious.  So, I decided only to pray then I hanged up the phone and back to sleep. I think that there’s no point of talking with him. After all, He wanted to pray and sleep again.

I woke up very early at 4 AM and prepared the surprise for him. I planned to go to his place and showed up with the cake and present I got for him. Of course before, I had discussed this with his brother. His family was so supportive. The wheather that day was slightly raining.
I arrived at his place at 05.50 AM. His brother, Henry, helped me to prepare the cake and others. His family welcomes me with an open heart. After the cake and candle are ready, his father take me to his room. Surprise!!!! I said "Happy Birthday" with the blowing candles. hhahaha.

I can tell by the looking of his eyes that he's so surprise and touch with it. He smiles and stares at me oftenly. I said "happy birthday" in front of his family.  Again..he smiles and stares at me. I asked him to blow the candle and make a wish. I shake his hand and that's all.
We sit together in his living room. Then out of nowhere, his father come up only to say, “Mega, it is allowed and okay if you want to kiss him”. OMG… I laughed it out loud. Oh then we kissed, but only a formal cheek kiss. Nothing much :)

Since he has to go to work, I could not accompany him whole day long. I planned to pick him up after work. But it's changed. In the afternoon, he called and asked what I am doing. I was just awake from my nap, I said. He told me that he was in the hospital, and I was like…”what is going on?? what happenned?? Are u sick??” Luckily, it wasn’t him. It was his colleague’s father, who has a sudden attack on his heart. He took her voluntarily to the hospital. It was such a sweet thing to do. I am proud of him, because he is not just nice to me but to all. It shows that he is indeed nice for real.
We end the day by having dinner with our second family – the team of GSYP. It was a perfect way to end this day. We talked about God's love and pray for him. Dave told me that he’s having great time on his birthday. We give praise to the Lord for these blessings we have; love, family and strength in HIM.

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Happy Birthday to My Love

My love,

There are several things I'd like to say to you my love on your special day:

I am forever thankful God sent you my way.

Like a gift from up above, you showed me how it is to feel real love.

I know many mountains we've had to climb and sometimes forever has seemed like a very long time.

Yes, we've endured our share of pain, but together we have so much to gain.

Bigger mountains may lie ahead, but together there is no hill we can not tread.

So always remember my love for you, and together with GOD, there's nothing we can not do.


The most famous book in the entire world

In the last last few days, I've been thinking about the most famous book in the world. I love to read and I do read regularly of any books that interest me! I even read dictionary and some of my friends called me as "Ms. Dictionary".. LOL. It's such a funny history. 

Anyway, yes I wondered what book it is and have I read it or not? My mind thought that it would be the Harry Potter's series or The Da Vinci Code. Who doesn't know those books, rite?? Millions of people might have read about it..or at least heard about it. I am pretty sure! 

But then..when I found out the truth..I was surprised yet happy to know the real answer. I was wrong. Either The Harry Potter's series or the Da Vinci Code, are not the famous book in the world. There's one of the most famous book that I never ever imagine it would be! It's the Holy Bible!!

Yes! I am surprised too! But I am happy because I have it since I was a child and still reading it regularly!

The bible is translated in most languages of our planet and this book amazes millions of readers trough historical and scientifically proven accuracy. The Bible is utterly unique. It was the first book to be printed; it is the perennial best seller; it is more quoted, more read, more considered than any other book in the world.

The Bible has had a unique role in shaping our culture and the West. You can't understand our culture without knowing the Bible. You can't even completely understand a president's inaugural address without reading the Bible. Because, besides taking an oath with their hand on the Bible, their addresses often allude to Scripture, and President Obama's was no exception either.

A whole generation of Americans were raised on three books-the Bible, a dictionary and a hymnbook. So at least learn your heritage and figure out what you do believe and what you don't believe.

I do believe that  there are many other scientifically proven affirmations in the Bible! 

It is so captivating to discover the Bible, it is not just a book, it is a book full of life, science, history and knowledge that cannot be acquired anywhere else. It really gives meaning to our life and opens our eyes on things we did not know they even existed!

So, have you read the most famous book today, the Bible?? 

God Bless You